Use Cases


Seamless customer onboarding

  • Verify customer identifying information such as name, address, and identity document `with a simple scan reducing manual risks.
  • Scanflow captures customer IDs from smart devices for a secure and seamless KYC process. 

Patient onboarding and registration 

  • Scan Patient National IDs and get patient details instantly without manual entry of data for the admission process.
  • It also scans the IDs of existing patients during subsequent visits to confirm their identity.
  • This process helps in easy appointment scheduling and knowing the patient’s history. Scanflow reduces errors caused by manual data entries and keeps track of patient details. 


  • Scanflow offers convenient and personalized check-in and check-out process for passengers that enhances their travel experience. 
  • It optimizes airline operations by scanning passports through self-service from smart devices while lowering operational costs.
  • Scanflow ensures providing intelligence process across workflow with reliable and accurate scanning results. 


  • Ability to scan damaged & obscured IDs
  • ourstories-line
  • Scan identity documents at any orientation & size
  • ourstories-line
  • Captures data up to 10 times faster
  • Data is captured, processed and encrypted completely offline
  • ourstories-line
  • Integrated into any smart device- Mobile & Web apps



Digitization of the Healthcare industry with Intelligent data capture

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3 ways to empower the workforce with Smart ID scanning

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Enhance the KYC process with Scanflow ID scanning software

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QR Floating